We created this piece to challenge the Irish Mental Health System and the Irish public. The public is not informed or aware about the level of crisis, in which we currently are. A system which is inadequate. A system failing us. A system killing us. With this piece we are educating viewers that it is harder to get help than you think. Ireland’s Mental Health Support Services are a joke and we are done laughing.
We want to interrupt the ad break with a stand-up comedic routine, designed to disrupt from the usual and the expected. This will spark the interest of the audience at home as it is viewed as bonus entertainment instead of another ad. They will then be confronted by brutal honesty and a real human story.
We see a comedian on stage delivering a stand-up routine. The routine moves from humorous to a more serious tone. As he continues, we can hear the emotion build in his voice. We are showing a moment of real crisis and the frustration that comes with waiting. We are then snapped back to reality as the stage match cuts to real life setting.
We use crowd laughter as a creative device throughout, to show how inappropriate and disrespectful our mental health services are to those in desperate need of help. The crowd laughter that interrupts is there to create an uncomfortable contradiction.
For the real production we would choose a young comedian who would resonate with our target audience. The call to action is ‘Stand up for your mental health’ and directs people to the ‘A Lust for Life’ website for more information. This piece is empowering, designed to create outrage at the current situation.
Mental illness is no joke so why is our system?